== link:index.html[Index] -> link:modules.html[Modules] -> link:modules_validators.html[Validators] Validator: Plain ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The plain validator uses a flat-file to authenticate users. Syntax ^^^^^^ Each line defines a user. The username and password are delimited by a ``:`` colon. [[parameters]] Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^ [cols="20%,80%",options="header"] |============================================================= |Parameter |Description |__passwdfile__ |Required. The location of the user/pass file. |============================================================= The parameter that specifies the file containing the pairs 'user:password' is mandatory. `Plain` authentication can use both `Basic` and `Digest` schemes. You can and should place the password file outside the web tree to prevent remote users from accessing the list. .Security tab image::media/images/admin_validators_plain.png[Validator Plain] This could be the contents of the the file `/var/www/passwd` specified in this example: **** testuser:testpassword cherokee:webserver **** This would only allow access to the users `cherokee` and `testuser`. [[compatibility]] Compatibility ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This validator is compatible with both **basic** and **digest** schemes.