test -- Execute testsuites sak test run ?-s|--shell PATH? ?-l|--log STEM? ?-g|--valgrind? ?-v? ?MODULE ...? Run the testsuites of the specified modules, using the shell running SAK for the testsuites as well. If no modules are specified the testsuites of all modules are run. If --valgrind is specified the testsuites are run under the valgrind memory checker. NOTE. This feature is not available on the windows platform. Requests for it will be ignored. If one or more --shell's are specified the testsuites are run against them. If none are specified the shells registered with 'shell add' (see below) are used instead. If none are specified the shell executing the sak is used instead. By default the output from a run is animated feedback of the progress made. If -v is specified the actual log is returned instead. If a log STEM is specified the extended log normally activated via -v is written to STEM.log while the user is provided with the regular feedback during execution. In addition the summaries from the feedback are written to STEM.summary as well, and also sorted into STEM.failures, STEM.skipped, and STEM.none. The -l switch overides -v. sak test shells Returns a list of the registered shells, one per line, used to execute the testsuites. sak test shell add PATH... Adds the specified paths to the list of shells to use when executing testsuites. sak test shell delete PATH... Removes the specified paths from the list of shells to use when executing testsuites. NOTE: The list of registered shells is a per-user configuration setting and is saved in the file "$HOME/.Tcllib/Registry".